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Odyssey Coffee Roasters Australia

BURUNDI - Kibingo Kayanza - Yeast Fermentation

BURUNDI - Kibingo Kayanza - Yeast Fermentation

Regular price $55.00
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Roast Profile

While the worlds' major coffee producers developed their offerings, leading the industry into coffees Fourth Wave, a quiet achiever in the heart of Africa developed and refined their own production to rival the best on the planet.
Burundi, with ideal growing climate and soil is perfectly placed to grow some of the finest coffee crops in the world.

Coffee serves as the number one export of Burundi. Which stands to reason, a deep dedication and care is given to coffee production in the region.

This coffee is produced using a yeast anaerobic fermentation process. The addition of yeast being added to the fermentation process allows for a more unique flavour profile to be achieved. This coffee offers up very boozy qualities, unlike anything else that we've ever tasted from the region.

Origin: Burundi Kibingo Kayanza
Process: Yeast Anaerobic Natural

Recommended Espresso Guide:
Dose: 23g
Yield: 45g
Temp: 90 deg

Recommended Filter/v60 Guide:
Dose: 17g
Yield: 280g
Temp: 91 deg

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